Managing Students

In this section, you can see the list of students that were added manually or imported from the mobile app. By default, they are sorted in descending order by the date of student creation. On the screen, you can see the following details:

First nameStudent name. This field is mandatory
Last nameStudent surname. This field is mandatory
Pickup NotesAny relevant information about student pickup

The number of characters in each field must not exceed 50.

The list of students may be sorted in different ways by single column.

Sorting operations

by First name:

-the first click on the First name header sorts the list in ascending order by the first name of the student

-the second click on the First name header sorts the list in descending order by the first name of the student

by Last name:

-the first click on the Last name header sorts the list in descending order by the last name of the student

-the second click on the Last name header sorts the list in ascending order by the last name of the student

Adding Students

To add a Student:
  1. Select Students from the left-side navigation menu.

  2. Click in the top bar of the page to open the student form.

  3. In the student form, fill in mandatory First name and Last name fields

    3.1 Add the Pickup Notes if needed for the student
    3.2 Specify routes. Detailed guide for assigning routes can be viewed in Trackers section.

  4. Finally, in the bottom of the student form, select .

    Selecting saves the data and directs you back to the students list.
    Selecting , in the top right corner of form, directs you back to students list without saving the data.

Updating Students

To update a Student:
  1. Select Students from the left-side navigation menu.

  2. Choose one of the students you want to edit by a simple click it.

  3. Update required details.

    3.1 Type the phone number of the student
    3.2 Specify routes. Detailed guide for assigning routes can be viewed in Trackers section.

  4. Next, in the bottom of the student form, select .

    Selecting saves the data.
    Selecting , in the top right corner of form, directs you back to the students list without saving the updates.

  5. Close the window after saving your edits